Grandma Pauline

Influenced by my research into Larry Sultan, I decided to photograph the home of my grandma. I am very close to my grandma and therefore am really happy I carried out this shoot, as I do not have many photos of her. I decided to desaturate all of the images as I have shot exclusively in black and white in my previous documentary work. I love the high contrast in the below images, with the natural light highlighting different elements of each individual image. I particularly like how the light falls in the image of her kitchen. As well as documenting my grandmas home, I also took some portraits of her. I really enjoy taking portraits, as I believe, alike with someones home, a portrait can tell a lot about an individuals personality. I love the below portrait of my grandma as it captures the fun side of her personality that everybody knows and loves. It saddens me that she is house bound, as I would love to capture portraits of her in the studio in the future.


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